Eureka has limited eligibility criteria for organisations participating in a Globalstars consortium:
- Your project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
- The project must be directed at researching or developing an innovative product or process with the goal of commercialisation.
- The project must have a civilian purpose.
- Your consortium must include at least two independent legal entities from one Eureka country and a specified Globalstars country.
- No single organisation or country can be responsible for more than 70% of the project budget
This call for projects has additional criteria for organisations to be eligible to receive funding:
- The consortium should include at least two organisations that are independent from each other, one enterprise from one of the Eureka member countries participating in the call and one enterprise from Brazil.
- The Brazilian consortium in the project must include an EMBRAPII Unit contracted by a participating enterprise from Brazil.
- The product or process must be innovative, and there must be a technological risk involved for all involved partners.
- The project must benefit all involved partners.
- The project should have an obvious benefit and added value resulting from the technological cooperation between the participants from the different countries (e.g. increased knowledge base, commercial leads, access to R&D infrastructure etc.).
- The product or process must be innovative and with the potential to create impact.
- The maximum duration of a project may not exceed 36 months.
A signed consortium agreement is required upon approval, before the actual start of the project. It ought to include, amongst others, the ownership and use of know-how and IPR settlements.
The participating funding organisations may have additional criteria for their national organisations to be eligible to receive funding:
The financing of a project follows the EMBRAPII funding model.
According to this model, EMBRAPII finances up to 1/3 of the Brazilian project costs. The Brazilian business partner must finance at least 1/3 of the project costs. The remaining costs of the project can be negotiated with the EMBRAPII Unit that may add in-kind contribution.
SMEs and Startups may apply to additional grants from, BNDES, SEBRAE, Rota 2030 and PPI-IoT Programs. These fundings are available at the EMBRAPII Units.
Companies engage with EMBRAPII projects as follows:
• The company negotiates the project directly with an EMBRAPII Unit
• The project approval and its direct hiring happens between the company and an EMBRAPII Unit
• The financial resources are available in the EMBRAPII Units
• Continuous flow: at any moment, your company can carry out projects, without waiting for a bid
The EMBRAPII Units decide autonomously on the use of the EMBRAPII funding for their contribution to an innovation project in cooperation with a business operating in Brazil. Therefore, the scope of a project must be in line with the expertise of one of the EMBRAPII Units in Brazil (Please refer to: https://embrapii.org.br/unidades-embrapii/).
Additional requirements of EMBRAPII are the following:
• The Brazilian part of the project must address an industrial demand and involve one or more industrial partners.
• The International cooperation should provide significant added-value.
• The “Technology Readiness Level” (TRL) of the project must lie in the range between experimental proof of concept (TRL 3) to technology demonstrated in relevant environments (TRL 6)
• The Brazilian part of the project must be developed/managed by an EMBRAPII Unit.
For more information please refer to: www.embrapii.org.br or your national contact person in Brazil.
Responsible Contribution
EMBRAPII Maximum of 1/3 of Brazilian project costs
COMPANIES At least 1/3 of Brazilian project costs
EMBRAPII Units Up to 1/3 of the remaining costs of the Brazilian project (in kind only)
More info: https://embrapii.org.br/instit...
Belgium (Wallonia)
Funding is granted in the form of a grant or a recoverable advance with a funding rate ranging from 35 to 100% of the budget of each Walloon partner. The type of funding and percentage depend on the type of partner, the consortium composition at regional and international level and whether your project activities fall into the category of industrial research or experimental development. The research budget of the Walloon partner company(ies) must correspond to at least 40% of the total budget of all Walloon partners.
For further information : https://www.wallonie.be/fr/dem...
It is highly advised that an information meeting between the Walloon project partners and the officers responsible for the programme within SPW Research is held prior to the submission of a proposal.
Belgium (Flanders)
Specific National rules
In Belgium-Flanders for this call we will only accept development projects (an innovative idea that can lead to successful business in the short term, but there are still some challenges to overcome in developing this innovation)
Only companies can apply for funding via subsidies. Flemish or foreign academic partners or research institutes can be funded by VLAIO if their expertise is crucial for the Flemish partner (company) and if they are subcontracted by this company.
General information: www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/ontwikkelingsproject
Eligible costs and funding rates
Staff and other costs related to the development project can be funded with a 25 to 50% subsidy of the project budget, with a minimum budget equivalent to support of € 25.000. Information can be found via this link. For this call the maximum funding (subsidy) per project is € 500.000.
Additional documents required
In addition to the centrally submitted EUREKA Project Application Form, partners from Flanders need to submit
an application to VLAIO, including a project plan and budget. We invite Flemish partners to contact us for a pre-check of their project ideas and get support by our team VLAIO advisors. The deadline for submission the VLAIO application is October 11th
The general Business Finland eligibility criteria and rules for funding apply for this call.
Different rules apply for small and medium-sized enterprises, midcap companies (large companies with turnover < 300 M€), large companies, and research organisations. The impact of the international cooperation should be clear, and the participating companies should have a credible internationalization plan and business goals including export targets. If public research organisations are involved in a Co-innovation project, minimum three companies must also participate, at least two of which apply for Business Finland funding. The applicants will be advised in detail about the applicable rules by Business Finland contact pe¬rsons prior to submitting the Eureka application.
More info:
Funding from Business Finland is intended for challenging and innovative research, development and innovation projects. For more information on eligible costs and funding rates, please see https://www.businessfinland.fi... and, for example, https://www.businessfinland.fi.../research-and-development/research-development-and-piloting thereunder.
Portuguese entities participating in project applications that have been awarded the Eureka Label will be eligible to apply to a national call for funding - “Projetos de I&D Industrial à Escala Europeia”, in the framework of Portugal 2030, the multiannual funding framework programme (expected to be published on the second semester 2022).
All Information about the national funding programme will be available soon at: https://www.ani.pt/pt/promo%C3%A7%C3%A3o-internacional/redes-internacionais/eureka-eurostars/
Important note: All information herein mentioned refers to rules and documents applicable under Portugal 2020. They are to be confirmed in the future call for funding applicable under Portugal 2030.
Maximum project duration: 36 months.
The project must fall within the priority areas of the national or regional Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3).
Important reference documents:
RECI – Specific Regulation for the competitiveness and Internationalisation (https://www.compete2020.gov.pt/admin/images/RECI_n.docx.pdf), which stipulates the framework and general funding rates for applied R&D projects in Portugal under PT2020 (articles 59 to 80).
Eligible entities:
- Eligible participants: All companies, universities, research centres and other R&D institutions from all geographic regions from Continental Portugal (Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo and Algarve) are eligible for funding.
- The national consortium must integrate at least one company. When applying in partnership with Portuguese R&D organisations, the leading national company must ensure at least 30% of the national budget..
- Mandatory “Financial autonomy ratios”:
The Portuguese companies need to comply with the following financial autonomy ratios (Annex G” of RECI):
- For SME: 15% financial autonomy ratio.
- For Large company: 20% financial autonomy ratio.
Companies that have been active for less than one year at the date of the application, must demonstrate the capacity to finance the project with equity, equal to or greater than 20% of eligible costs.
Form, amount and limits of the incentive: Please check article 70 of RECI.
Form of public funding:
- For companies: grant, up to M€ 1, per beneficiary; reimbursable funding on the exceeding amount over M€ 1.
- For Universities and research organisations: grant
Co-Funding rates: Please check the co-funding rates for eligible costs at article 71 of RECI.
- For SME: from 45% to 80% of project costs for Micro and Small companies, and from 35% to 75% for medium companies.
- For Large companies: from 25% to 65% of project costs for large companies.
- For Universities and research organisations: 75% of project costs for universities or research organisations (or the weighted average of the companies funding percentage, when higher than 75%), provided that such cooperation does not involve indirect State Aid for beneficiary companies.
The exact funding percentage depends on the national consortium collaboration, the wide dissemination of project results and whether your project activities fall into the category of industrial research or experimental development.
Project costs in the Lisbon region (according to NUTS II) can receive funding of up to 50% of eligible costs.
Eligible costs: Please check article 72 of RECI.
R&D direct costs that fall into the category of industrial research or experimental development plus the application of a flat rate of 25% of direct eligible costs.
Ineligible costs: Please check article 73 of RECI.
More info: Please contact the Portuguese Eureka NPC
CDTI will finance industrial research and/or technological development activities of Spanish companies. Universities and research centers could take part as subcontractors.
CDTI will check the eligibility of the Spanish applicants after receiving the international application. If it is eligible, funding applications will be generated by CDTI to each Spanish company and it must be completed and submitted by them. A full memory (in Spanish) must be attached to these applications. Deadline to reply 7 November 2022. If the funding applications are not submitted in time, the international project could be rejected.
Funding conditions for Spanish partners may vary depending on the nature of the project and the beneficiaries. For more information please access: http://www.cdti.es/index.asp?M...
Funding decision is expected within 4-5 months after submitting an eligible funding application
It is mandatory that project activities do not start before submitting the funding applications to CDTI. For further information, please contact CDTI.
The Netherlands
The Netherlands: Only R&D costs are eligible for funding. Enterprises and research institutes can apply for grant funding up to 50% depending on the type of organization and the type of activities:
- Large companies: 35% for research activities, 25% for development activities
- SMEs: 45% for research activities, 35% for development activities
- Universities / research organisations: 50% for research activities, 25% for development activities
The maximum funding (grant) per project is 350.000 EUR and the total budget for this call is 925.000 EUR. In addition to the centrally submitted Eureka Project Application Form, partners from The Netherlands need to submit an application to RVO, which should include a detailed project plan and budget. RVO will perform legal and financial eligibility checks. The deadline for the Dutch submission is 19 October 2022. We invite Dutch partners to contact us for a pre-check of their project ideas. For more information check: www.rvo.nl/subsidies-financiering/globalstars/oproep-brazilie
All companies which were established in accordance with Turkish law can apply for funding for their international projects. There is no budget limit for international projects and they can be funded by TUBITAK without any restriction in project duration. Only companies participating in international projects are funded within this program but universities and research centers can be funded as subcontractors.
Companies receive certain percentage of their eligible costs as a grant in this call. The percentage is 60% for large companies and 75% for SMEs.
Turkish applicants must complete their national application in one week after the EUREKA application at the latest. For further information about financing of Turkish participants please directly contact with TÜBİTAK. Detailed information can also be reached from here.
Applications will be evaluated at the level of the participating funding bodies. The basis for the national evaluation is the general Eureka eligibility criteria, national eligibility criteria and evaluations, the EUREKA application form and if required a national application form.
A multilateral consensus meeting between all involved national funding organisations will agree which projects to approve based on the assessors’ scores, using the EUREKA Network projects evaluation methodology (see Annex A). After a common list of funded and non-funded projects has been agreed the national funding bodies and EUREKA Association will inform the applicants about the results.
Your project application will be reviewed according to our Network projects evaluation methodology.
- Impact
- Is the market properly addressed (i.e. size, access and risks)?
- Is the value creation properly addressed (i.e. employment opportunities and environmental and societal benefits)?
- What are the competitive advantages of your project (i.e. strategic importance, enhanced capabilities and visibility)?
- Are your commercialisation plans clear and realistic (i.e. return on investment, geographical and sectoral impact)?
- Excellence
- What is the degree of innovation? (i.e. is the proposed product, process or service state-of-the-art? Is there sufficient technological maturity and risk)?
- How is the new knowledge going to be used?
- Is your project scientifically and technically challenging for consortium partners?
- Is the technical achievability and risk properly addressed?
- Quality and efficiency of implementation
- What is the quality of your consortium (i.e. balance of the partnership and technological, managerial and financial capabilities of each partner)?
- Is there added value through international cooperation?
- Is your project management and planning realistic and clearly defined (i.e. methodology, planning approach, milestones and deliverables)?
- Is your cost structure reasonable (i.e. costs and financial commitment for each consortium partner)?
- Overall perception
Experts will list three positive and negative points to your application and finally state whether they recommend your project for public investment.
Your national funding body may carry out a further evaluation (performed by the national project coordinator and technical experts) according to national rules before allocating funds to successful applicants.
- Contact your national funding body using the contact form on Eureka’s website to discuss your project idea, financial viability, eligibility and national procedures.
- Create an account on our application portal (one per consortium) and select the funding opportunity you want to apply to.
- Using the portal, complete one application form per consortium (in English) and invite other consortium partners to fill in a partner form.
- Upload a GANTT chart (one per consortium), a signed and completed co-signature form (which you can download from the platform) and any additional required annexes.
- Your application will be checked for completeness and eligibility before being reviewed using a standard evaluation procedure. If successful, your project will receive a Eureka label.
- Your national funding body may carry out a further evaluation (performed by the NPC and technical experts) according to national rules before allocating funds to successful applicants.
- The final step is to complete and sign a consortium agreement (CA). We recommend that you seek legal advice when drafting your CA
In parallel to the submission of the Eureka project application form, all project partners are requested, if required, to submit a related national funding application to their respective funding agencies, taking into account all relevant procedures and submission rules. Deadline for submission might differ between the participating funding agencies, see below for detailed information for each funding agency
- Applicants in Brazil do not have to submit a national application form, however they are required to work with an EMBRAPII Unit. Project approval and contracting happens directly between the company and the EMBRAPII Unit.
- Applicants in Wallonia (Belgium) must submit their regional application (in French) to SPW Research via the ONTIME portal (https://recherche-technologie.wallonie.be/ontime) before 11 October 2022, 18:00 (CET).
- Applicants in Flanders (Belgium) must submit their regional application online via www.vlaio.be/nl/subsidies-financiering/ontwikkelingsproject the latest on 11 October 2022.
- Applicants in Finland will need to submit a national application. The applicants need to contact the Call contact person(s) at Business Finland in good time before submitting the Eureka application for detailed advice including guidance on timetables for the national applications. The national application is submitted through Business Finland on-line service.
- Applicants in Portugal must submit their national application on the national submission portal for Portugal 2030 up to 30 days after being awarded with the Eureka label complying with the national call for projects’ specific access conditions. As annexes to the national application, the Portuguese entities must add: the original Eureka application; Evaluation report from the Eureka call experts; Eureka label award; National technical annex; Draft of the International Consortium Agreement.
- Applicants in Spain must submit their national application on the CDTI’s portal (https://sede.cdti.gob.es/) before 18:00 hours (CET) on 11 October 2022. Additional documents in Spanish language, containing detailed information on the Spanish participants, could be requested depending on the specific type of funding requested by the company.
- Applicants in Turkey must complete their national application in one week after the Eureka application at the latest via TÜBİTAK’s portal in Turkish language.
- Applicants in The Netherlands must submit their national application on RVO’s e-loket (GlobalStars - Klantportaal-Site | mijn.rvo.nl) before 19 October 2022, 17:00 (CET)